Sunday Independent Music Memorabilia Expert

Posted by on Aug 3, 2017 in Press & Media | No Comments
Sunday Independent Music Memorabilia Expert


Had a great time chatting with Ciara Dwyer from the Sunday Independent about my job as a music memorabilia expert.  Here is an excerpt from the interview:

Music Memorabilia expert

Music Memorabilia expert

“I cycle to work every morning. I work in a shared office space in Harold’s Cross. I like having people around me. Before this, I tried working from home, but it didn’t work. I got cabin fever. I can go in to the office whenever I feel like it. Some days I work for an hour; other days, four hours. I’m self-employed. In 2010, I set up my own company called Pop Icons. I’m a dealer, and I specialise in high-end music memorabilia. The logic behind selling the high-end stuff is that instead of selling 1,000 autographs, I sell one guitar and make even more money. It’s very efficient. I have Madonna’s knickers and Eric Clapton’s guitar. Typically, it’s costumes worn by famous people, and instruments, too.

It all started when I’d cycle into town from Tallaght with my dad every Saturday morning. We’d go to a place called The Hill. It was a scruffy kind of market, but my dad loved it. He’d walk around looking for collectibles. Money was tight. He was a labourer; this was his hobby. Then he got some auction catalogues with entertainment memorabilia. I noticed that it was very valuable.”

If you are reading this and you have an item that you think may be valuable and rare please send me an email with details and a picture if possible and I will be happy to get back to you to discuss.  I am always looking for rare pieces of music memorabilia, handwritten lyrics, stage worn costumes, artist owned guitars, signed contracts, anything unique and rare.  You can contact me using the following link: