Music Memorabilia Wanted

Get in touch today and let us know what you have!

Please complete all fields below to help us deal with your query

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number

    Item Description

    Your File

    If you have any issues with your upload please contact


    Fill out above form

    We will make you an offer for your item*

    If you want to sell we arrange payment and collection


    Why sell to Pop Icons?

    • We pay top prices
    • Fast payment
    • Free worldwide pick up
    • Reliable Expertise


    What do we buy?

    • Artist owned or used guitars and other instruments
    • Stage, video or performance worn costumes
    • Music Industry Awards
    • Handwritten Lyrics
    • Autographs
    • Anything original and rare



    Any queries?

    Get in touch

    We always love to hear from you

    *We will only reply with an offer for items we are interested in buying.

    Also, check out our Facebook page when you get a chance: