Do you have any of Noel Gallagher Handwritten Lyrics? If so we are looking to buy your handwritten lyrics.
Here is an example of a pieces we are interested in buying:
Shakermaker Handwritten Lyrics
OASIS Shaker Maker Handwritten Lyrics. Fantastic sheet of A4 lined paper from Noel’s famous student notepad auctioned by Christies in December 1998. The lyrics are written in Noel’s hand in black ballpoint pen. There are subtle but significant differences between this, written in the early 90’s and the well known recorded version. The notepad contained 26 attached and loose handwritten pages.
Do you own any Noel Gallagher handwritten lyrics? Then we want to hear from you.
Why not drop me an email with some details of what you have and if we are interested in your item we will make you an offer. I look forward to hearing from you. Click here to contact me: